Summer Camp

Erudite Initiatives presents

A transformative self-discovery camp designed exclusively for students. This innovative program integrates the principles of the International Award for Young People (iAYP), focusing on Bronze and Silver Award achievements. The 5-night, 6-day adventure kicks off in Delhi and promises a holistic approach to personal development through deep self-learning, adventure, endurance, service, creativity, and exploration.


Engage in thrilling activities such as kayaking, rappelling, ziplining, and a jungle safari in Jim Corbett National Park. These activities not only foster teamwork but also test individual resilience.

Jeep Safari at Jim Corbett


Unleash your creative potential through workshops and challenges that encourage participants to express themselves through various mediums. This could include art, music, or other forms of self-expression.

Photography Expedition:

Explore the world through different lenses by taking part in a photography expedition. The Jim Corbett leg of the journey provides an ideal backdrop for honing photography skills.

The Tentative Itinerary for the Camp